The contents are mainly based on “Handbook of Spatial Statistics”(2010) textbook. In this chapter, we introduce some basic concept related to hierarchical modeling strategies for handling and modeling spatial data.

Hierarchical Modeling

An overview for hierarchical modeling

Statistical modeling often becomes simpler by modeling a series of conditional models. Suppose there are random variables $A,B,C$. Then, we can write the joint distribution in terms of factorizations, for example,

\[p(A,B,C)=p(A\vert B,C)p(B\vert C)p(C).\]

We can broaden this process in the statistical modeling situation in the presence of data, as follows:

  1. Data Model: $[\textrm{data\vert process, parameters}]$

  2. Process Model: $[\textrm{process\vert parameters}]$

  3. Parameter model: $[\textrm{parameters}]$ - for Bayesian Hierarchical modeling

With each stage, update the posterior distribution of the process and parameters using the data.

Data model

  • Let $Y$ be the data observed for a spatial process $\eta$
  • Let $\theta_Y$ be the parameters for $Y$. Note that $Y\neq\eta$ due to measurement errors

Then, the data model distribution can be written as $[Y\vert\eta,\theta_Y]$. Usually, this conditional distribution is much simpler than the unconditional, since the most of the complicated dependence structure comes from the process $\eta$. Also, it is possible to decompose the data model into two parts(*), for example in the case with missing values or predictive values.

\[\begin{align}\\ &Y=(Y_a,Y_b), \theta_Y=(\theta_{Y_a},\theta_{Y_b}) \\ &[Y\vert\eta,\theta_Y]=[Y_a\vert\eta,\theta_{Y_a}][Y_b\vert\eta,\theta_{Y_b}]\tag{*} \end{align}\]

Process model and Parameter model

Likewise, process model and parameter model can be written and decomposed as follows:

\[\begin{aligned} &\textrm{Process model: } [\eta\vert\theta_\eta]=[\eta_a\vert\eta_b,\theta_\eta][\eta_b\vert\theta_\eta] \\ &\textrm{Parameter model: } [\theta_{Y_a},\theta_{Y_b},\eta_{\eta_a},\eta_{\eta_b}]=[\theta_{Y_a}][\theta_{Y_b}][\eta_{\eta_a}][\eta_{\eta_b}] \end{aligned}\]

Hierarchical Gaussian geostatical model


Suppose there are $m$ observations $\mathbf{Y}=(Y(\bar s_1),\cdots,Y(\bar s_m))^T$. Define a latent spatial vector $\mathbf{\eta}=(\eta(s_1),\cdots,\eta(s_n))^T$ where $\eta(s)$ is a Gaussian Process. Then the hierarchical model is given as follows.

  • Data model: $\mathbf{Y}\vert\beta,\mathbf{\eta},\sigma_\epsilon^2\sim GP(\mathbf X\beta+\mathbf{H\eta},\sigma_\epsilon^2 I)$
  • Process model: $\mathbf{\eta\vert\theta}\sim GP(0,\Sigma(\theta))$
  • Parameter model: $[\beta,\sigma_\epsilon^2,\theta]$
  • Note that $\lbrace \bar s_1,\cdots,\bar s_m\rbrace $ may not coincide with $\lbrace s_1,\cdots,s_n\rbrace $
  • If observation locations coincide with process locations, then $\mathbf{H}=I$

By Bayes’ rule, the posterior can be estimated as

\[\propto[\mathbf Y\vert\mathbf \eta,\beta,\sigma_\epsilon^2][\mathbf\eta\vert\theta][\beta\sigma_\epsilon^2,\theta].\]

The normalizing constant in this case cannot be obtained in closed form. Instead, Monte Carlo approaches are utilized. Also suppose that the observed spatial process vector is given as $\eta_d$ and those unobserved are given as $\eta_0$. Then the posterior predictive distribution can be calculated as

\[=\int[\eta_d,\eta_0,\theta,\beta,\sigma_\epsilon^2\vert\mathbf{Y}]d\eta_d d\theta d\beta d\sigma_\epsilon^2\]

Prior distribution

It is usually the case that the parameters are considered to be independent, i.e.


Note that the independence in prior distribution does not imply the independence in posterior distribution.

Choice of prior

  • $\beta$: flat($p(\beta)\propto 1$) or Normal with large variance
  • $\theta$: Spatial covariance function ex. $\Sigma(\theta)=\sigma^2_\eta R(\rho,\alpha)$
  • $\sigma_\eta^2$: inverse Gamma or Jeffrey’s prior
  • $R(\rho,\alpha)$: spatial correlation matrix with range parameter
    • $\rho$ (Gamma or uniform on a bounded interval) and other parameters
    • $\alpha$ (known or discrete prior)
  • $\sigma_\epsilon^2$: similar to the prior choice of $\sigma_\eta^2$

For computational purpose, it is possible to reparameterize the data model as follows:

\[\begin{aligned} \mathbf{Y}\vert \beta,\sigma_\epsilon^2,\theta &\sim GP(\mathbf{X}\beta,\Sigma(\theta)+\sigma^2_\epsilon I) \\ \Sigma(\theta)+\sigma^2_\epsilon I &= \sigma_\eta^2 R(\rho,\alpha) +\sigma_\epsilon^2 I \\ &= \sigma_\eta^2(R(\rho,\alpha)+\tau^2 I),\;\;\tau^2 = \frac{\sigma_\epsilon^2}{\sigma_\eta^2} \end{aligned}\]

Bayesian spatial prediction

Bayesian Kriging

This section is about constructing a spatial prediction i.e. $\Bbb E(Z_0\vert\mathbf{Z})$, in a bayesian method.


Assume $\mathbf{Z}$ and $Z_0$ are jointly normal with mean and variance as follows:

\[\begin{pmatrix} \mathbf{Z} \\ Z_0 \end{pmatrix} \sim N\bigg( \begin{pmatrix} \mathbf{X}\beta \\ x_0^T\beta \end{pmatrix} , \begin{pmatrix} \Sigma & \delta \\ \delta^T & \sigma_0^2 \end{pmatrix} \bigg)\]

Also, further assume that $\Sigma=\sigma^2 V(\theta),\delta=\sigma^2 W(\theta)$ and $\sigma_0^2=\sigma^2$.


Define prior distribution on $\beta,\sigma^2,\theta$ as


To minimize the contribution from the prior, we use such non-informative priors.

Posterior and Predictive

From the conditional distribution $Z_0\vert\mathbf{Z},\beta,\sigma^2,\theta$, we can calculate $\Bbb E(Z_0\vert\mathbf{Z})$ as follows. First, note that the conditional distribution is given as

\[Z_0\vert\mathbf{Z},\beta,\sigma^2,\theta \sim N(x_0^T\beta+W(\theta)^TV^{-1}(\theta)(\mathbf{Z-X\beta}),\sigma^2-\sigma^2W(\theta)^T V^{-1}(\theta)W(\theta))\]

Using conditional probability argument, first remove $\beta$ as:

\[\begin{aligned} \pi(Z_0\vert\mathbf{Z},\sigma^2,\theta) &= \int\pi(Z_0,\beta\vert\mathbf{Z},\sigma^2,\theta)d\beta \\ &= \int\pi(Z_0\vert\mathbf{Z},\beta,\sigma^2,\theta)\pi(\beta\vert\mathbf{Z},\sigma^2,\theta)d\beta \end{aligned}\]

Since the posterior distribution is proportional to the product of likelihood and prior i.e.


using the prior previously defined we can show that

\[\beta\vert\mathbf{Z},\sigma^2,\theta \sim N((\mathbf{Z}^TV^{-1}\mathbf{X})^{-1}\mathbf{X}^TV^{-1}\mathbf{Z},\sigma^2(\mathbf{X}^TV^{-1}\mathbf{X})^{-1})\]

Then, $Z_0\vert\mathbf{Z},\sigma^2,\theta\sim N(A,B)$ where

\[\begin{aligned} A &= (x_0-\mathbf{X}^T V^{-1}W)^T\hat\beta+ W^T V^{-1}\mathbf{Z} \\ B &= (x_0-\mathbf{X}^TV^{-1}W)^T(\mathbf{X}^T(\sigma^2V)^{-1})^{-1}(x_0-\mathbf{X}^TV^{-1}W)+\sigma^2-\sigma^2W^TV^{-1}W \end{aligned}\]

Next, remove $\sigma^2$ as:

\[\begin{aligned} \pi(Z_0\vert\mathbf{Z},\theta) &= \int \pi(Z_0,\sigma^2\vert\mathbf{Z},\theta)d\sigma^2 \\ &=\int \pi(Z_0\vert\mathbf{Z},\sigma^2,\theta)\pi(\sigma^2\vert\mathbf{Z},\theta)d\sigma^2 \end{aligned}\]

Then finally we can get the predictive density as follows:

\[\begin{aligned} \pi(Z_0\vert\mathbf{Z}) &=\int \pi(Z_0,\theta\vert\mathbf{Z})d\theta \\ &=\int \pi(Z_0\vert\mathbf{Z},\theta)\pi(\theta,\mathbf{Z})d\theta \end{aligned}\]

Usually, $\theta$ is a set of one or two parameters, one can numerically compute this. Also, depending on the prior of $\theta$, one can get an explicit expression of the predictive distribution. It is possible to approximate the predictive density by

\[\pi(Z_0\vert\mathbf{Z})\approx \frac{1}{m}\sum_{i=1}^m\pi(Z_0\vert\mathbf Z,\delta^{(i)})\]

where $\delta^{(i)}$ is the $i$-th draw from the posterior distribution and $\delta$ is the set of all parameters.

Spatial GLMM


Usually data in the real world are not Gaussian, but at spatial data, spatial dependence structure exist still. Thus it is natural to consider the previous Gaussian model as a linear mixed model, with a spatial random effect. i.e.

\[\begin{aligned} Y &=X\beta+H\eta+\epsilon\\ \eta &\sim N(0,\Sigma(\theta))\\ \epsilon &\sim N(0,\sigma_\epsilon^2 I) \end{aligned}\]


Suppose $[Y(s)\vert Z(s),\theta]$ follows an exponential family. i.e.


Also assume the conditional independence for $s_i,i=1,\cdots,n$ i.e.

\[= \prod_{i=1}^n[Y(s_i)\vert Z(s_i),\theta]\]

Spatial dependence structure is embedded in the conditional mean through the link function

\[\mu=\Bbb E(\mathbf{Y\vert Z,\theta})=\dot\psi(\mathbf{Z})\]

where $\mu=h(\mathbf{X\beta+H\eta}), h^{-1}=g$. Also note that

  • For count data, Poisson distribution is used and the function $g(\cdot)$ is log function.
  • For binomial data, Binomial distribution is used and the function $g(\cdot)$ is logit or probit function.

Parameter estimation

  • In Bayesian approach, MCMC method is widely used.
  • MCMC method obtains posterior samples of parameters through a constructed Markov Chains.
  • The goal is to find samples from $[\theta\vert data]$. This can be done by sampling from $[\theta_i\vert\theta_{-i}^{(r-1)}, data]$ for $i=1,\cdots,k$ where $\theta_{-i}=\lbrace \theta_1,\cdots,\theta_{i-1},\theta_{i+1},\cdots,\theta_k\rbrace $ iteratively.
  • If the distribution $[\theta_i\vert\theta_{-i},data]$ is a known distribution then the MCMC process is Gibbs sampler.
  • If the distribution is not available, Metropolis-Hastings algorithm is used by introducing a proposal density.


  • Alan E. Glefand et al. - Handbook of Spatial Statistics (2010)

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