Introduction to DL

Traditional Linear Model > suffers at specific tasks(ex. MNIST) - Why : Designed to use at low-dimensional data - At higher dimension(ex. Image, Video data) : curse of dimensionality occurs - How about Principal component? : First PC finds overall mean usually(cannot capture small-scale feature) How to overcome > Use Basis function $f:R^{p}\to R^{d}$ (kernel function)

Neural Network

1-layer Neural Network

\[\begin{aligned} H^{(1)} &= g^{(1)}(W^{(1)}x + w_{0}^{(1)})\\ \Lambda&= g^{(\lambda)}(W^{(\lambda)}H^{(1)}+w_{0}^{(\lambda)})\\ Y &\sim p(y,\lambda) \end{aligned}\]

Output layer $g^{(\lambda)}$ is determined as dist of $Y$

Neural Network is equivalent to GLM with Data-Driven Basis function PCA is also data driven but it is (1) linear (2) do not consider Y.

  • $g$ is nonlinear (Ex. ReLU : piecewise linear)

Deep Neural Network : Multilayer Neural Network

  • General Approximation Theory
  • Model Fitting : MLE let $W$ vector contains every weight matrices, $(x_{1},y_{1}),\ldots,(x_{n}, y_{n})$ training data.

Then, cost function of $Y\sim N(\Lambda,\sigma^{2})$

\[C(W)=-l(W)\propto \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^{n}(y_{i}-\Lambda(x_{i}:W))^{2}\]

If $Y\sim \text{Multi}(\Lambda)$ , the negative loglik becomes

\[C(W) \propto \sum_{i}\sum_{k}y_{k}\log p_{k}(x_{i}:W)\]

How to optimize?

  • At neural net : Newton-Raphson impossible(impossible to calculate Hessian)
  • Backpropagation : easy to calculate Gradient and also easy to code

Gradient Descent

  • Adam, AdaGrad, RMSprop
  • Neural Net depends on Gradient i.e. the activation function should have good property
  • Gradient Saturation Problem
    • At Sigmoid, Hyperbolic tangent activation function
      the product of partial derivatives conv to 0
    • Solution
      Rectified Linear Unit(ReLU)

What kind of Hidden Layer then?

Image, Video : CNN Text : LSTM, Transformer Density estimation : Normalizing Flow

Lecture 2

Overfitting Problem

Neural Net has high flexibility, but easy to suffer overfitting problem. Solutions : - Shrinkage penalty - Dropout - Batch training - Early Stopping


L1, L2 Regularization(Ridge, Lasso) : add a regularization term to negative loss ex) L1 Term at Categorical response

\[-l(W) \propto -\sum_{i}\sum_{k}y_{ik}\log p_{k}(x_{i}:W)+\lambda\Vert W\Vert^{2}\]

: work as Shrinkage estimator


  • Slap and spike
  • add a Bernoulli random variable to every layer

Batch Training

Split the whole training data into $B$ batches, and do the gradient descent at every batch

  • epoch : One cycle over all batches
  • Batch : Sampling idea » for statisticians?

Stochastic Gradient Descent(SGD)

Due to dropout and batch training, likelihood and cost function changes at every training with randomness

Data Split

  • Training data : Used to calculate gradient
  • Validation data : Not used to calculate gradient, instead used to calculate cost function and determine if overfitting occur or not

Early Stopping

  • If validation cost doesn’t improve during specific number of epochs(patience), stop training

Algorithm Summary

  • Initialize : Generate $W_{0}$ from probability distribution(prior)

Validation Method for Binary Y

  • Classification rule to 0 or 1
  • From Model : We acquire $P(Y=1\vert X)$
  • How to determine prediction of Y as 0 or 1?
  • By : Threshold setting
    Large Threshold - both TPR, FPR lower

    We should not make threshold constant, instead observe change of ROC curve as threshold changes

  • ROC Curve is important : AUC-ROC

For Continuous Y

  • MSE alone cannot explain the full result
  • Draw scatter plot at test data

Lecture 3. CNN and Transformers

Convolutional Neural Network

  • If Input data $X$ is spatial data
  • Feedforward DNN : Input > Feature Extraction Layer > Fully connected(Dense) Layer > Output


: Taking local weighted averages to create a summary image

Preserve spatial properties with much less parameters


: Downsampling for translational invariance(?) Traditional kernel (ex. Gaussian) : Smoothing i.e. maybe not useful for image classification or etc.

Channel and Filter

Input Channels : ex. RGB image > 3 channel for layer Filter’s Kernel values > Also estimated during training process

  • N output Channel produces N output image for convolutional layer

Stride, Filter(kernel size), Padding

  • Stride : Step size for each slide
  • Filter or kernel size : width and height of kernel
  • Padding : Additional rows and columns to adjust the resulting images


  • Setting $\mathbf{x} = [x_{1},\ldots,x_{T}]$ : T is number of words in the text $\mathrm{x}$
  • Embedding : Transform each word into vector
  • At deep learning : Get Embedded vector as parameter in DL model, with just SGD

  • Text data analysis is just a special case of time series analysis.

Self-Attention Layer

  • $x_{t}$ is d-dimensional vector at $t$ word
  • Linear transformation for $x_t$ :
  • Self-attention:
\[sa(x_{t}) = \sum_{u=1}^T a(x_{u},x_{t})V_{u}\]

where $a(X_{t},X_{u})>0, \sum_{u}a(x_{u},x_{t})=1$ is an attention which $t$-word gives to $X_{u}$.

  • Calculating $a(X_{u},X_{t})$

    query $Q_{t} = W_{q}x_{t}+ w_{q}$ Key $K_{t}=W_{k}x_{t}+w_{k}$ Then, we calculate as follows:

\[a(x_{u},x_{t}) = \mathrm{softmax}(K_{u}^{T}Q_{t})\]

Position Encoding

: The locational information of words are not contained at $x_{t}$.

  • Make Absolute position embedding(embedding matrix w.r.t. order of words)
  • Relative position embedding

Multi-head Self Attention

Define various number of self attention for $h=1,\cdots,H$

able to extract various kind of relationship of text

Transformer Layer

  • Residual multi-head attention > Layer Normalization > Residual Dense Layers > Layer Normalization

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